Sunday, January 29, 2017

Vegan Raspberry Coconut Pressed Freeze Ice Cream

Vegan Raspberry Coconut Pressed Freeze Ice Cream

frozen coconut
8 oz rozen rasberries
13 oz coconut milk
1 tablespoon stevia
1 teaspoon almond extract or vanilla

1 If your are not using frozen pre-cut coconut then break open your coconut outside on the tar or with a hammer and save the water inside. Then put the coconut in the oven at 250 degrees on a pan. Once you take it out you can break the shell off. You can leave the brown skin on because it tastes fine or if you want to you could grate it off but it would be time consuming. Then take the coconut and put it in a bag and place in freezer.
2 Place the frozen fruit in blender and blend them but don't go overboard because you do not want a smoothie. Once its roughly blended blend the milk, stevia, and extract in to the smoothie and blend until combined.
3 Top with fruit, cacao, peanut butter, nuts, coconut flakes, or whatever else you would like to add.

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