Saturday, December 3, 2016

DIY Washi Tape Nails!

This is a great look if you want to make a statement with your nails and you want something professional looking and easy. You can do this to cover up chips in your nails and you can put them on all your nails or just a few.

  • Scissors
  • Washi Tape
  • Clear Nail Polish
  • Nail Polish

  1. First start off by painting a base coat and I used Essie Bikini So Teeny.
  2. I used ice water for my nails for a few minutes to dry faster which I recommend because it doesn't look as neat if your nails are not completely dry.
  3. Cut small triangles and strips of washi tape for your nails
  4. Place each one on your nails and cut around the edges of your nails
  5. Apply a clear coat over everything.

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