Saturday, December 17, 2016

5 Ways to Decorate Ordaments

Ways to Decorate Ornaments

Theres so many fun and easy ways to decorate ornaments for the holidays. These are some simple ways to make ornaments for your family and friends.

Glitter and Sequins- This is the easiest way to decorate ornaments. All you need is floor cleaner, glass ornament, glitter, and sequins if you want. You put a little bit of floor cleaner on the inside and pour in enough glitter and you can add more floor cleaner if needed. If you want you can add sequins in too.

Acrylic Paint- I love painting ornaments because its so simple and you can do anything you want. I recommend using acrylic paint because it works really well on glass. You also don't have to be very artistic either and you can choose a simple design.

Glitter Polka Dots and Stripes- I did this with a couple of ornaments and I loved how this looked. First you use Modge Podge to paint dots or stripes and coat the glitter on top of the glue.

Sequin Ornament- This is a little time consuming but by far it is my favori
tes. You will need styrofoam ball, sewing pins, and sequins. You put the pin in the hole of the sequin and cover the whole styrofoam ball in sequins.

Glitter Glue- Using glitter glue over a solid colored ornament looks great. You can write out names, do fun patterns, you can really do anything with this

Newspaper- This looks very vintage looking. All you do is take an ornament and use modge podge to stick on the newspaper and sprinkle glitter on top.

Holly- Holly looks great inside ornaments. All you do is take a large clear ornament and cut a small piece of holly and stick it inside. This will last for the season until it drys up.

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