Monday, September 12, 2016

Whats in My Backpack for High School!

  • Agenda- I always bring home my agenda because thats how i organize my to do list and keep track of my homework. I absolutely love the floral pattern, I find it so pretty! 

  • Notebook- I usually take home one of my note books if I have a test that I have to use my notes to study for and Monday I have a bible test so i took it home to study.

  • Binder- I love my pink polka dot binder! I keep all of my papers its where i keep all my papers for all of my subjects.

  • Folder- My folder is where i put all my homework that I will need to do and homework that needs to be passed in. 

  • Bible- I brought my bible home for homework.

  • Book- I always like to have a good book in my bag if I get bored. I am currently reading Rules of Summer by Johanna Philbin and I would definitely recommend reading this!

  • MacBook Air and charger- I love my MacBook Air and I highly recommend it if your looking for a computer to use for school thats light weight and easy to use.
  • I also have a bag full of hair ties, chapstick, antiperspirant, flosser, ear phones, lip gloss, and hand cream

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