Thursday, September 22, 2016

Visiting the Botanical Gardens

Hey guys, a few days ago I visited the Botanical Gardens and it was so pretty. I saw a lot of pumpkins and it was a beautiful day. I wore a Athleta long sleeve shirt, Nike skirt, and navy Sperry's.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Whats in My Backpack for High School!

  • Agenda- I always bring home my agenda because thats how i organize my to do list and keep track of my homework. I absolutely love the floral pattern, I find it so pretty! 

  • Notebook- I usually take home one of my note books if I have a test that I have to use my notes to study for and Monday I have a bible test so i took it home to study.

  • Binder- I love my pink polka dot binder! I keep all of my papers its where i keep all my papers for all of my subjects.

  • Folder- My folder is where i put all my homework that I will need to do and homework that needs to be passed in. 

  • Bible- I brought my bible home for homework.

  • Book- I always like to have a good book in my bag if I get bored. I am currently reading Rules of Summer by Johanna Philbin and I would definitely recommend reading this!

  • MacBook Air and charger- I love my MacBook Air and I highly recommend it if your looking for a computer to use for school thats light weight and easy to use.
  • I also have a bag full of hair ties, chapstick, antiperspirant, flosser, ear phones, lip gloss, and hand cream

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Chapel Day

Hey guys, today was my third day of school and it was chapel day which means we have to dress up and I love wearing dresses and skirts to school. It was hot and humid out so i wore a top from TJ.Maxx, flouncy skirt that i bought in Japan and the brand is Aui Plume, Sperry sandals, pearl bracelet, pearl earrings, and a Juicy Couture necklace.

Friday, September 2, 2016

First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day of school and I can't believe summer vacation went by so fast. I had a great summer and I'm sad that its over but at least its still warm out. I wore a Joules floral printed white dress, Cole Haan black paten leather flats, pearl earrings, and a Helly Hanson backpack.