Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to Make Washi Tape Pencils and Binders!


These are so easy and a fun way to make your notebooks cuter. I love wash tape and use it for all sorts of things. I just stuck the tape on and cut the ends straight. You can purchase wash tape at Staples or craft stores and they come in so many different patterns and colors!

I love putting the tape on my pencils! It looks so pretty and professional. This is extremely easy and I do this every year. You just use sharpened pencils and put the tape on horizontally because if you don't it takes a long time then you cut it and repeat one more time. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Getting Dressed Up

Last night I went out to dinner with my family and we got dressed up. I wore a Abercrombie and Fitch lace dress that I bought at TJ. Maxx for only $15.00, Cole Haan sandal wedges, pearl necklace, and my flower heart shaped earrings.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

My Favorite Summer Makeup and Beauty Products

  1. Mac Cream Blush in Lady Blush
This is my favorite blush because it looks very natural and radiant on my skin. I love applying this because it brightens my complexion and adds more color. This also stays on in the heat.

I absolutely love the color on because it goes with everything. This is the longest lasting lip product, it stays on forever! Its almost a lip gloss but its not at all sticky and doesn't dry out.
This mascara looks real and lengthens and thickens your eyelashes instantly. I usually apply two coats and it makes a huge difference. Its perfect for summer because when you go swimming it stays put.
I love this perfume its so light, floral, citrus, and sweet but not too sweet. It smells so much better than the original Prada Candy because its much more toned down. This is perfect for everyday and I find that this stays on which is one of my biggest problems when finding perfumes.
I put this on the ends of my hair before bed once a week. I love how in the morning my hair is moisturized and revived. This also smells fantastic and its perfect after spending day at the beach because it helps with tangly unmanageable hair

In the summer I use bronzer instead of foundation because its lighter. I apply this bronzer with my Real Techniques Powder Brush and it goes on evenly and its the perfect color.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Travel Tips

Travel Tips
I have traveled around South America, Europe, Asia, Canada, and the States and I have come up with some things I wish I had known in the past.
Match Pitchu, Peru

Kerry, Ireland

DMZ Border,  South Korea looking over to North Korea

Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo

Traditional Kimonos in Shibuya, Japan

1. Pack Light
I always pack everything I need in a carry on unless I'm leaving for more than 2 weeks. Overpacking can be very inconvenient especially if your going to different cities and staying in different hotels every few days. You can also roll your clothing up and that saves some space.

2. Stop Rushing
While its good to explore and try new things sometimes travelers try to fit everything they want to do in a week without relaxing and enjoying they’re vacation. Its important to not rush and its okay not to experience everything in a week. I usually go on vacation for two weeks when I go to a foreign country because you have more time to understand the country and to learn more.

3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings 
Make sure to look around and keep your belongings close by. I always bring a crossbody bag, wristlet, or backpack when I travel. Have common sense and be cautious.

4. Take Photos
You should take lots of photos because when I look back from when I first traveled to Asia for month I didn't take as many photos as I should have and I regret it. You want to have something to remind you of your trip because you might not be back.

5. Try New Things
Step out of your comfort zone and try exotic foods that might sound unappetizing and do things that make you anxious or uncomfortable.

6. Talk to the Locals
Get a feel of the culture and talk to the taxi drivers, waitstaff, or anybody you happen to meet. Its great to meet a friend from another country and understand they're culture and how they live. You should also stay in touch with the people you meet along the way through social media, email, or get they're phone number. 

7. Do Research Ahead of Time
Learn about what you should pack, weather, safety, culture, language, and some history on the country your visiting. Buy a few travel books to study and look at pictures and read articles online.

8. Be Prepared
Make sure you call if you want to go to a certain museum or attraction thats busy and make reservations if you have to. Rent a phone or use a sims chip if theres an emergency. Always carry your phone, travel book, water, map, copies of your ID, passport, and credit card.