Monday, June 6, 2016

DIY Seaweed Detox Bath

DIY Seaweed Detox Bath

Seaweed baths eliminate toxins and its also great for your skin.

For this DIY you will need

Medium sized mesh bag
Seaweed (I used rockweed as shown above)
Essential oils (optional)

  1. If you live near the water and don't want to order dried seaweed you can go to a local beach or someplace near you that has seaweed and if you live in an area without seaweed you can order it online.
  2. Now you should leave the seaweed out in the sun for a day or until dry.
  3. Put the dried seaweed in a mesh bag and these are easy to find at craft stores or online.
  4. Hold the bag of seaweed under the facet and run hot water and you will notice the water turning green.
  5. You can add 5 drops or so of essential oil and this adds more health benefits and I like using lavender because it smells nice and is very relaxing.

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