Tuesday, March 14, 2017

DIY Tee Shirts

DIY Tumblr Tee Shirts

What you'll need
  • Plain shirt
  • Transfer Paper
  • Printer
  • Iron

  1. First wash the shirt you are using and make sure it works with the transfer paper because theres light transfer paper for light fabric and dark paper for dark fabric. Also make sure that you flip an image horizontal.
  2. Then place the transfer paper on the correct side and print out an image that you want on your tee shirt.
  3. Cut off all the excess paper around your image.
  4. Warm up your shirt with an iron to get any excess moisture off. Place the image where you want and iron it on the shirt and make sure you leave it on for a while for it to set.
  5. Let it cool and try to lift the top layer off while making sure the print out is on the shirt.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Acai Bowl Recipe

Acai bowls are a healthy and delicious treat and easy to make at home. They are fun to decorate and top with all sorts of things. I love making these and I hope you do too!

- 1/2 cup acai juice
- 1 cup frozen fruit
- 1 banana
- 2 teaspoon chia seeds
Blend all of the ingredients together and if you want a thinner texture than you can use more acai juice. You can top the bowl with coconut shavings, cacao nibs, fruit, granola, nuts, and seeds.